Wednesday, September 24, 2008

So apparently ordinary people are just chum

Another good article about the art and culture cuts that the Tories want to enact:

Toronto Star Article "Ordinary People don't care about arts"

Now whether you agree with government support for the arts or not, recall that a portion of this was for digitization projects which would increase access to many resources. As we all know, many small archives and museums are strapped for cash so any funding for digitization would be very welcome. And most of the arts funding was to send off groups to show off Canadian culture around the world. I fail to see why this is a bad thing. As the article states and many commentors point out, many of these so call "rich" artists barely make much over the poverty line. I think I react the most to the comment of "ordinary Canadians don't care about the arts". It's probably because we don't get a chance to see much art and culture in some areas of the country. Now we may never see it as there's no funding for it.

Also the comments about privatizing the CBC really send a chill up the spine. The ol CEEB isn't doing so hot these days but it would be a real shame to lose it. I would like to direct your attention to a brilliant speech given by Stephen Fry about the BBC in England. I think we could learn a lot from this: Stephen Fry's blog

It will be interesting to see how this plays out in days to come...

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